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OK, I know, it’s been way too long since I’ve posted. There’s been a lot going on and some good news to share. Keep watching and thanks for praying.

Church Update
We finally received another offer from the Airport Authority. It was a partial acquisition offer, which means that they offered again to purchase only the part of our property that they actually need. Again, it wasn’t what we need, so we rejected it. In the letter, our attorney suggested that we all sit down together and see what it will take for this to happen without a long, drawn-out court case. We’re waiting to hear back.

Another church contacted us last week about our pews. gaminátor hack They said they are interested in the whole set. Hopefully, they’ll have someone who lives nearby come to take a look at them soon.

Personal Update
The baby is here!!! No, not ours – our good friends’, Alex and Melissa Momotiuk. Their fourth child came into the world at 7:32 this morning (Feb 1). Her name is Elizabeth Grace. May she become a believer and a strong woman for God in this life. tippmix radar apk You can send your congratulations to this family here (replace the -AT- in the email address with @).

Only 9 days before Saralynn and I leave for our anniversary getaway – but who’s counting?

Scriptural Thought of the Week
I find it interesting that the God who knows everything and has all power to do anything at anytime actually pre-planned everything in a very strategic way. Look at how Paul described this process:

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavens in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him… In whom also we were appointed having been predestined according to the whole thing working according to the active council of His will” Ephesians 1:3-4, 11 (my trans.)

Even though God can do anything at anytime, long before He started anything with which we are familiar, He took council with Himself (the triune Godhead), chose us for Himself, predestined us to become what He wanted us to become, and decided what it would take to make it happen. That’s not just a plan; that’s thinking strategically!

Quote of the Week
I am appreciating two of Aubrey Malphur’s books right now, both helping with things going on at OTCC. Here is one of the points he makes for thinking strategically instead of just winging it and hoping we get it right:

“‘Every few hundred years throughout Western history, a sharp transformation has occurred. In a matter of decades, society altogether rearranges itself – its world view, its basic values, its social and political structures, its arts, its key institutions. wildfortune kaszinó online Fifty years later a new world exists. And the people born into that world cannot even imagine the world in which grandparents lived and into which their own parents were born.’

Drucker’s point is that we are living at one of those rare points in time when an old worldview (modernism) and many of its trappings are dying and another (postmodernism) has been born. The consequence is a massive shift in our culture, science, society, and institutions. This change is enormously greater than the world has ever experienced, and we are caught in the middle of it. We are living at a frightening point of absolute, chaotic discontinuity, watching the old die off and the new rush in to fill the vacuum.

Where is the church in all of this? How is it doing?”



Quoted from: Aubrey Malphurs, Advanced Strategic Planning, 2nd Edition (Grand Rapids: Baker Book, 2005), 8. ISBN: 0801091810

Until next time,


The comments in this blog are always the personal opinions of Daniel Goepfrich and are not meant to be taken as official statements of Oak Tree Community Church, its staff, or its members.