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Resource Library

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Recommended resources

In addition to the resources listed below from Theology is for Everyone, here is a list of other resources you may find useful in the areas of theology, hermeneutics, Christian living, and more.

Recommended resource list (PDF)


“The Church and the Day of the Lord” (PDF) // What is “the Day of the Lord” according to the Hebrew prophets? Will the Church be part of it? How can we know?

“What Happens at Salvation” (PDF) // Explore several events that take place immediately when a person believes in Jesus for salvation

“Introduction to the Dispensations” (PDF) // What is a dispensation? How many are there? Why should we care?


“The Story of the Old Testament” (PDF) // A survey of the eleven foundational books of the Old Testament plus answers to frequently asked questions

“Matthew: Chapter by Chapter” (PDF) // This download contains the entire notes for the book of Matthew from New Testament: Chapter by Chapter. The full book is available here.


“Passion Week Chart” (PDF) // A detailed chart showing the events of Passion Week based on the detail from all four Gospel accounts

PowerPoint Slides

These PDFs contain the slides from a variety of courses Daniel has taught.

“Introduction to Biblical Discipleship” (PDF) // Based on the book, Biblical Discipleship: The Path for Helping People Follow Jesus.

“Hermeneutics: The Principles and Practices of Basic Bible Study” (PDF) // These are the slides associated with the Hermeneutics course available free for Theology is for Everyone members. Take the course here.

“Biblical Storyline: A Survey of the Biblical Covenants and Dispensations” (PDF) // An overview of the biblical covenants and one suggested outline of the dispensations in human history.

“Covenants and the Kingdom: 4 Key Questions about the Kingdom” (PDF) // An examination of the four covenants directly related to Israel and the Messiah’s coming kingdom (Millennium)

“What is the Church: Introduction to What the Church is to Be” (PDF) // A brief examination of God’s plan for the church

“A Survey of End Times Events” (PDF) // A dispensational understanding of the events that God has promised must still take place

Bible Reading plans

OT chronological reading plan // Read through the entire Old Testament in chronological order so you see how things fit together

“Thru the New in 90” reading plan // Read through the New Testament in 90 days

“Paul’s Letters” Reading and Study plan // This includes both a “quick read” (14 days) and a “slow read” (one chapter per day) so you get a highlight followed by an in-depth study in Paul’s letters. Doing both back-to-back is recommended. This plan lasts just more than three months.