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Theology on the road

You already know that Theology is for Everyone produces solid biblical and doctrinal teaching through videos, articles, and books, but did you know that the same high-quality teaching is available in person as well?

“Theology on the road” allows you to bring Dr. Daniel Goepfrich to your church, school, or organization. Daniel can teach your group in a one-day seminar or a multi-day conference or lecture series. With more than 25 years of pastoral and church leadership experience, he is also available to meet with your church leadership for leadership training or to think through specific issues your church is facing. Daniel has taught in churches, schools, conferences, and retreats in the Americas, Europe, Africa, and SE Asia.

Click any of the topics below for more information or have Daniel create a presentation for a specific topic of your choice, then schedule a time to discuss and plan it or contact us to schedule your event.

Upcoming “On the Road” events

May 2024
SIBIMA Seminary (Fortaleza, CearĂĄ, Brazil;

September 2024
National Theological College and Graduate School (
Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics

Word of Life Africa Bible Institute (Kitende, Uganda;

February 2025
Word of Life Philippines Bible Institute (Calauan, Laguna, Philippines;
Hermeneutics, Dispensationalism, Post-Exilic Prophets

February/March 2025
Word of Life Africa Bible Institute (Kitende, Uganda;
Ecclesiology (Doctrine of the Church), Eschatology (Doctrine of End Times), Hebrews

April/May 2025
Word of Life Hungary Bible Institute (TĂłalmĂĄs, Hungary;
Daniel, Revelation

May 2025
Antwerp Christian Fellowship (Antwerp, Belgium;

Book Studies

Genesis // Genesis 1-11
The book of Genesis lays the foundation for every major doctrine in the Bible. It is the book of beginnings and tells of the beginning of creation, humanity, marriage, language, sin, salvation, and the nation of Israel, among many other things. No one can afford to neglect the study of this essential book.

This course has the option of covering the key events and people in the entire book of Genesis or a special focus just on chapters 1-11, depending on your needs.
Daniel & Revelation
The books of Daniel and Revelation contain a great deal of the prophetic writings that still have yet to occur, especially in relation to the events after the Rapture of the Church.

Special attention will be given to the events of the Tribulation (Daniel’s 70th week), the Antichrist, the Second Coming, the Millennial Kingdom, the Great White Throne, and the Eternal State.
Matthew wrote his gospel to the Jewish people to show them that their Messiah had come and announced their promised Kingdom. However, the nation had rejected him, so he postponed the Kingdom and announced judgment instead. The book concludes with Messiah’s death, resurrection, and intention to build a following during the intermediate dispensation.

Attention will be given to Jesus’ identification as Israel’s Messiah (chapters 1-4), his Messianic teachings and miracles (chapters 5-11), Israel’s rejection of Messiah (chapter 12), the Kingdom Parables (chapter 13), the “non-Kingdom teachings” (chapters 16-20), and the Olivet Discourse (chapters 24-25). We will also address the exclusively Matthean phrase “the kingdom of heaven.” We will approach the book from a normative, classical dispensational perspective.
In Ephesians, Paul examined what it means for the church to be the Body of Christ. He explained the theology of salvation in the Church Age which creates the Body and how the Christians in the Body live out our salvation practically.
1-2 Timothy and Titus
In what are often mischaracterized as his “pastoral” epistles, Paul wrote three letters to co-workers who were serving as his apostolic representatives to establish, correct, and build up the local churches in Ephesus and Crete. These letters provide both solid doctrine about the church as well as practical commands and encouragements for church leaders and members alike.
The book of Hebrews was written to show Christian Jews that Jesus was better than anything or anyone they could tie themselves to. The writer did this by comparing and contrasting Jesus and his work to the greatest people in Judaism. The five warning passages are included to show the immense spiritual danger the believers were in if they forsook their Christianity for convenience.

Special attention will be given to the writer’s emphasis on Jesus and the five warning passages. We will approach the book from a normative, classical dispensational perspective.

Doctrinal Studies

Bible Doctrine // Survey of Biblical Theology
Because “Theology is for Everyone,” any church or class should have the opportunity to understand the eleven major doctrines found in Scripture. This course can be expanded / condensed or adapted for the time and audience but covers these doctrines: the Bible, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Angels, Humans, Sin, Salvation, Israel, the Church, the End Times.
God's Plan for the Local Church
The church is not only a specific dispensation but a unique group of believers to whom God has given specific instructions. This one-day seminar examines the purpose, mission, ministry, and organization of the local church.
Prophecy / End Times
While the doctrine of the End Times relies heavily on the prophecy found in Daniel and Revelation (see above), it is not exclusive to them.

This entire course provides a topical and chronological look at the events yet to come but can be adjusted to fit the time allowed or to emphasize a certain aspect of future events, such as: the Rapture of the Church and its judgment; the Tribulation (70th week); the religious and civil laws of the Millennial Kingdom; and more.
Dispensationalism is a way of understanding how God has continually worked with humanity throughout time. It is based on a plain, natural reading of the Bible and a two-fold recognition that 1) God has revealed himself cumulatively over time and 2) he has worked with various people and groups of people differently as he gave them new revelation.

This course introduces the concepts on which dispensational theology is built, defines what a dispensation is, and surveys the entire Bible to find the dispensations that are clearly present. We also address the biblical covenants and some of the deviations found in newer (“progressive”) dispensational thinking today.
The Covenants and the Kingdom
Much has been written about the Kingdom, and it is an increasingly common topic in sermons, books, and articles. Phrases like “doing Kingdom work,” “advancing (or building) God’s kingdom,” and “bringing up there, down here” permeate their writings and teachings. as these phrases become part of the common language of the modern church, so do the false doctrines that they embrace. Misunderstandings about the Church, Israel, Future Events, and even the nature of Salvation have become commonplace as more and more graduates of both Reformed and liberal seminaries become local church pastors.

This course examines the promise that God made to Abraham that he would make him into a great nation and its four unconditional covenants to Israel – Abrahamic, Land, Davidic, and New – that will finally be fulfilled in the Millennial Kingdom.
Survey of the Old Testament
Many people do not understand specific areas of the New Testament because they do not have a foundational understanding of the Old Testament. In this course, we examine the Old Testament as a whole, breaking it down into the fewest units possible in order to see how it fits together and looks forward to the New Testament.

Special attention is given to the Old Testament timeline, the eleven key books, the history of Israel, and the six covenants that God made with all or part of humanity. Attendees of this course will gain new appreciation for the Scriptures that were written long before the Church began.

Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

Bible Study / Hermeneutics
The process of Bible study is both simple and complex. There are rules that need to be followed, yet rules alone do not provide the spiritual insight we want from God’s Holy Word.

In this course, we walk step-by-step through the basic steps for personal Bible study, examine some of the pitfalls to watch out for, and introduce some of the best tools that are available today to make our study time both efficient and effective.

Get Daniel’s book, Hermeneutics for Everyone, today. With a built-in workbook and extra-wide margins for taking notes, it is perfect for a class or small group.

Biblical Discipleship
Even though Jesus commissioned his followers to “make disciples,” discipleship is one of the most misunderstood concepts in the church. From one local church to another, “discipleship” may be defined as small groups, classes, personal spiritual disciplines, or an entire program.

In this course, we will define and describe “biblical discipleship” based on 2 Peter 1:3-9 and how the writing apostles addressed believers on four spiritual levels.

This course will provide each attendee the capability of evaluating their own spiritual level and the tools for intentional spiritual growth for themselves (discipleship) and helping others (disciple-making).

Get Daniel’s book, Biblical Discipleship, today. Each of the eleven chapters includes study questions at the end, perfect for a class or small group.
Spiritual Gifts
Spiritual gifts are how the Holy Spirit empowers believers to do effective ministry during the Church Age. In this course, we will study all the passages relating to spiritual gifts and define, describe, and categorize each gift.

Special attention will be given to the “miraculous” gifts of speaking in tongues, healings, etc.

Church Leadership

Biblical Church Leadership
In addition to holding a seminar or class, Daniel can also work directly with your church leadership in training or discussion about specific doctrines or issues you are facing. This type of training is available as a single event or ongoing schedule and can be done on-site or online and is completely customizable for your needs.

Schedule a time to discuss your upcoming event