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Are you satisfied?

As I did my Bible reading this morning, I was challenged by this thought: Am I satisfied?

Now usually, we say that being satisfied is a good thing, because it is a synonym for content, and God is very clear that we are to be content when it comes to stuff (1 Timothy 6:6-8; Philippians 4:11-12; Hebrews 13:5).

So when I read Hosea 13:5-6 this morning, it made an impression, because it connected contentment with our stuff to our spiritual lives. This is God speaking to Israel:

“I cared for you in the wilderness,
     in the dry desert where no water was.

When they were fed, they became satisfied;
     when they were satisfied, they became proud;
          as a result, they forgot me!”

This is a commentary on human nature. When we get full of stuff, we say, “Look what I have!” But all to often, “Look what I have,” becomes “Look what I’ve done” or “Look who I am” – and that’s wrong. As John the Baptizer reminds us, “No one can receive anything unless it has been given to him from heaven” (John 3:27).

We are to be content with stuff. But we are not to let our contentment make us proud and lazy in our spiritual growth. fda ivermectin

Yes, we are to celebrate growth. Yes, we are to be glad when we take our next step and reach our next level. But we’re not to ever be satisfied and say, “That’s enough. do i need prescription to buy ivermectin

Even the apostle Paul said, “I’m not there yet, so I keep pushing forward.How could we do any less?

Our focus at OTCC for 2009 will be on commitment. I’m going to teach on commitment. And throughout the year, I’m going to help you stretch in your spiritual lives by asking you to make commitments to take some very specific spiritual steps. ivermectina 6mg precio

Let’s never get so satisfied in our spirits that God says, “You forgot me!” Let’s press on.