Bible Studies

Bible study posts can cover entire books, chapters, or individual verses or passages

Luke 13

Chapter thirteen contains four distinct sections. The first section (vs. 1-9) was a parable Jesus gave in response to some people who tried to get him to speak on a political matter. Instead of taking the bait, Jesus used a couple of current events to point out two facts: 1) suffering and death are not […]

Luke 13

Luke 12

Chapter twelve contains a series of teachings that Jesus gave over several months as he moved toward Jerusalem. Most of these are directed toward his disciples (vs. 1); some, however, applied to the crowds at large. Most of them have the recurring topic of keeping our proper focus. The first teaching (vs. 1-12) was a warning

Luke 12

Luke 11

Chapter eleven opens with the disciplesā€™ request that Jesus teach them to pray, ā€œjust as John taught his disciples.ā€ The Lordā€™s response is a short version of the prayer found in Matthew 6:9-13, followed by the teaching on prayer also in Matthew 7:7-11, and an example of persistence in prayer not found elsewhere. Some copies

Luke 11