I am wondering what Bible passages you might share with a believer who is close to going home? Are there any particular passages that you could point us to that we could read and consider sharing?
I really appreciated seeing this question. Not only does it tell us a lot about the person asking, but it’s something that most of us do not think about until the last second. I hope my friend’s question and my answer will help both those Christians who are ready to enter Heaven and those of us who are left grieving them.
There are several passages that I love both near the end of someone’s life (in the hospital or home) and at Christian funerals.
- 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 – The Rapture passage is meant to be comforting and encouraging to those still here, but I find it helps those who are dying as well.
- 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 – This is less about the Rapture than the confident hope that we have a home and body waiting for us. It also reminds us of the reward ceremony that is coming. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord (see also Philippians 1:21-23 for the same promise).
- Revelation 21:1-4 – The promise of no more tears, pain, death, etc. in eternity is always encouraging.
- Psalm 116:15 – This is a hidden gem. The entire psalm is encouraging for different reasons, but the Hebrew text (and traditional rendering) is especially so. “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.” Death is a homegoing for a believer, and something that even God looks forward to (in a sense).
- John 11:35 – The fact that even Jesus wept over the death of a friend (whom he was about to bring back) is telling of God’s love for us in times of grief and death.
- Psalm 23 – This is often read at funerals, but I like the Christian to remember it before they die as well. For the believer, death is just a “shadow” that can’t really hurt us.
I hope these are helpful and encouraging to all of you!
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