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Book Review: Eyes Wide Open

Eyes Wide OpenEyes Wide Open: See and Live the Real You
by Jud Wilhite

For the last three years I have taught a class for the residents of Hope Ministries (formerly Hope Rescue Mission) in South Bend. It’s the first class in their Core Programming for those who are willing to accept more than just a free bed and meal.

During my time there, Hope has gone through some changes in its way of helping people in their spiritual lives. One of these major changes has to do with helping the residents see their identity in Christ (for those who believe) or their potential identity (for those who don’t).

Phrases like “child of God”, “chosen”, and “beloved” take on whole new meanings for those who have never heard them before and those who have not heard them for a long time.

In essence, that’s what Eyes Wide Open is about. Taking a step back to realize the potential, the identity, that a believer has in Jesus Christ. Wilhite wants you to see you the way God does. The teaser on the back really sums it up well.

In Eyes Wide Open, Jud Wilhite invites you to discover the real you. Not the you who pretends to be perfect to satisfy everyone’s expectations. Not the you who always feels guilty before God. Not the you who looks in the mirror and sees a failure. The real you, loved and forgiven by God, living out of your identity in Christ.

And Wilhite knows what he’s talking about. He pastors Central Christian Church in Las Vegas, where masks, hiding, and pretending are the order of the day.

This was not a highlight, underline, mark-it-up book for me. But it was worth the read.

You can get your copy directly from Random House or from Amazon.