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Family Time

We had an impromptu “Family Time” last night at church. It was impromptu only in that I didn’t announce it ahead of time (not that I wasn’t prepared).

For those of you who don’t come to Family Time meetings, basically it’s a time when our core members and attendees can give input or ask questions about what’s going on at church. I usually start with information that’s been building up, then have an open forum to discuss it.

Here’s a run-down of our discussion from last night (in case you weren’t here):

* Exodus 3:7-10 – “I’m going to rescue my people – Moses, you go to Pharaoh”. Our job is not to make plans and ask God to bless them. kasyno online opinie He is already working without us. Our job is to get on board with what He is already doing. kasyno online vulkan

* Members from a church in Texas is flying up here this Thursday to look at our pews. They’re pretty sure they want to buy the whole set. لعبة البولينج

* We have some inexpensive and not-so-inexpensive building projects we’re working on for this spring and summer. Everyone can and needs to help.

* Ministry opportunities are posted very clearly on the lobby bulletin board, along with the person you need to contact to get involved. No excuses to not be involved in ministry at OTCC.

* I am hyped about our new teaching series that starts new week (Easter). It’s called “Come Alive”. Don’t miss it!

* I plan on having some guest speakers coming in over the next few months. hraci automaty online za penize One is Mike Ash from Next Level Church in Ft. Myers, FL.

* No evening service next week. Spend Easter with your families (after the morning service, of course!).

* No evening service the following week either. عدد ورق الدومينو Our church leadership team is having a very important meeting during that time. If you are not a part of that meeting, you can pray together for us while we meet, start a group Bible study during that time, or get a ministry team together and do something. KEY WORD: TOGETHER!

The open forum is still open. Call, email, stop by my office, or even post your comments here. كم عدد أوراق الأونو كاملة

Until next time,


The comments in this blog are always the personal opinions of Daniel Goepfrich and are not meant to be taken as official statements of Oak Tree Community Church, its staff, or its members.