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FAQ: That person is saved?

I’m starting to post my blog sections at separate times to help keep posts shorter. Here is a section I want to add: FAQs. Let’s ask and answer some of these that keep floating around.

One of the questions that I am asked frequently goes something like this:

“How is it that two people can both go to heaven, when one of them acts like a Christian and the other one doesn’t, just because they both say they accepted God’s salvation through Jesus? Doesn’t their lifestyle have something to do with it?”

There are several main points I could make here, but let’s stick with just one: God sets the rules, and He is the ultimate Judge.

Donald Grey Barnhouse wrote:

We can thank God that the judgment is with Him. Some Christians who have truly left the city of death to enter upon the road of life, and who are saved, nevertheless seem to carry such a baggage of death with them that at times we can wonder whether such have really been saved. We must stop and consider that perhaps some might wonder the same thing about us, and must show by our diligence in seeking God’s glory, God’s honor, and the incorruption of the Christian life, that we truly are possessed by divine life and that we are seeking the eternal things. “

Quoted from: Donald Grey Barnhouse, Romans (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1952), Vol. 1, 42. ISBN: 0802830145

Do you have a question you want to ask or one that you get asked a lot? Post it in a comment, and I’ll address it in a future post.

Until next time,


The comments in this blog are always the personal opinions of Daniel Goepfrich and are not meant to be taken as official statements of Oak Tree Community Church, its staff, or its members.