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Isaiah 1:4

Working steadily through Isaiah we come to 1:4 – “Alas, sinful nation, people weighed down with iniquity.” (NASB)

Under the crushing weight of accumulated iniquities the whole nation is pictured as bowed and weighted down. … How can iniquity rest heavily upon a person or nation? Iniquity itself is something intangible, and hence cannot be a burden in a physical sense. But iniquity brings evil results with it. كازينو مباشر The people had dealt iniquitously, and the fruits of their actions were not with them. More than that, iniquity involves guilt; indeed, the word signifies the perversity and crookedness of sin. Thus it is not a sense of iniquity that weighs the nation down – would that it were – then there might be some desire for repentance. eqvalan ivermectin It is rather the bondage and guilt of their iniquity that lies upon the people like a pressing burden. From that guilt and bondage they cannot free themselves. كازينو كبار الشخصيات They have not the strength – they are slaves. ivermectina nomes comerciais (Edward J. Young, The Book of Isaiah, Vol. 1, 45)

Young’s reminded me of our last message series at OTCC, “Move Along”. We saw that one of the things that tries to hold us back from moving along and beginning again is guilt from past sins. العاب ربح نقود حقيقية

Here God, through Isaiah, confronts Israel with her sin and calls for her to repent. This is necessary with all of us if we want to get a fresh start with God. does ivermectin kill heartworms in dogs

If you missed the messages in the last series, you can listen to them online here.