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Jeremiah 27-29

Other than the sheer weight of having to prophesy against his beloved homeland and Temple, Jeremiah’s biggest problem had to be the false prophets that were rampant across Israel at that time.

It seems like every other verse is a “prophet” making up stuff to get on the good side of the people – everything will be OK, the captivity will be short, etc. العاب فلوس حقيقية   Jeremiah must have looked like a sadistic jerk.  All of his prophecies were about “war, famine, and disease” (27:8, 13; 29:17, 18).

But he didn’t quit.  They couldn’t scare him off, they couldn’t shut him up.

Actually, he wasn’t as bad as some people thought.  He had good news for those who would, but sometimes good news is harsh.  In order to be saved from the “war, famine, and disease” they had to surrender to Babylon.  Everyone who surrendered would be saved (27:17)

I have good news today.  Everyone who surrenders to Jesus Christ – gives up the fight against God, waves the white flag toward heaven – will be saved from sin, death, and hell.

No one likes to surrender – it’s humiliating, the sign of defeat. موقع قمار   But it’s the only way to gain life.  Jesus already battled death and won – why would you want to do it and lose? اربح المال من الانترنت

Surrender to Jesus today – and live!

Until next time,
