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Listen, Day 40: Revelation 17-22

This was the final section of the listening program we did at church this fall. I can tell you that I picked up a lot during our listening. gaminátor játék ingyen One of my upcoming posts is a list of everything that I want to study further because of this. gaminator slots net Anyway, here are my thoughts on the last six chapters of the Bible:

  • Even though there is a lot of weirdness in chapters 17 and 18, basically, they tell of the rise and eventual fall of the coming global religion, government, and economy – the enemy’s best shot at ruling the earth
  • War is never pretty, but this one will be unmatched in its gruesomeness
  • God has promised Israel that they will one day own their land and be ruled in complete justice by their Messiah. We call this time the Millennium, because it will last for 1,000 years. tippmix újság
  • The devil will be sent to the lake of fire “with the beast and the false prophet” – they were put there 1,000 earth years earlier, showing that separation from God in the lake of fire truly is eternal punishment for its inhabitants. This is the final destination of every person who rejects Jesus as their Savior.
  • On the cross Jesus said, “It is finished”. One day he’ll be able to say, “Everything is finished.
  • I think it’s cool that there will still be kings and nations in eternity. I don’t know exactly what that means, but it’s an interesting concept to me.
  • This almost sounds too good to be true, but when we finally understand the relationship God wants with his people, this description is nothing compared to the reality he is waiting to offer those who will come in faith to him.