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Pews & New Teaching Series


I heard today that our friends in Texas are coming next Tuesday (August 7) afternoon to get the pews they bought from us!  Mark will have a couple of guys with him, but if we can have a couple as well, I think they would appreciate it. لعبه القمار روليت العاب ربح مال حقيقي   So if any of you are available at 3:00p next Tuesday, come on by and let’s load up some pews. كازينو دوت كوم موقع مراهنات عالمي

New Teaching Series

I am beginning a new teaching series this Sunday called “Vision”.  For four weeks we’ll talk about the future of OTCC and steps that you can take right now to do your part in making it happen. العاب اندرويد

I’m excited about it, and I hope you are, too! افضل موقع مراهنات كرة القدم   See you Sunday!

Until next time,
