
1 Timothy 4

Chapter four is different from the other chapters around it because Paul broke from his instructions to groups in order to focus on Timothy himself again. In this chapter, he gave Timothy three sets of warnings or encouragements. First, Timothy was to pay close attention to false teaching that would arise within the congregation (1 […]

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Amos 4

Chapter four opens with a searing insult against the Israelite elites. Although Christians may often feel like calling out people like this, prophets were given latitude that we do not always have. When sharing the gospel of Jesus (including our warning of coming judgment in hell), we are challenged to “do it with courtesy and

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Colossians 4

Chapter four closes this short letter with a series of final requests and a long list of personal greetings. In Colossians 4:2-6 Paul asked that they would continue to pray for his ministry, even while he was “in chains.” He pleaded that they would be careful in their own interactions with unbelievers, so that they

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