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Vision, Part 4

I’m laying out my vision for our church across several posts. There are eight pieces to it. This is number four:

I envision children learning the fundamental truths for a strong Christian faith in a way that they can never forget in order to intentionally live them.

“Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

I have said several times, “I want to to make sure that our kids understand these truths so that if they decide to run off and be stupid, the Holy Spirit will have a lot of ammunition to haunt them and bring them back!”

Children don’t become godly men and women by accident. It takes a deliberate strategy by those adults around them to create the environment where it can happen. ivermectin oills Of course, it’s the parents’ job to raise their kids, but I believe the church should lend strong support, giving parents tools to help them.

This is why we use the 252Basics curriculum in our Treehouse Kids program. Not only does it give us the tools to teach sound doctrine and Christ-like virtues in a way that’s fun and intriguing for children, it includes helps that parents can use throughout the week to reinforce the lessons learned on the weekend. how much horse ivermectin can a human take

But the material is just like any other tool – it can be used well or not so well. In our case, using that tool is a team of men and women who love God and desperately want to see kids grow up to love him, too, and who work hard every week to help make that happen. i have a 6 lb. dog and the 1% liquid ivermectin but my syringe is in full ml’s, how do i measure

Good job, Treehouse Kids team! You’re making a difference today that will resound for generations to come.

Continue to Part 5