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Listen, Day 3: Matthew 13-18

Tuesdays are hard on our family, especially from a time perspective. ivermectin injection for sheep We didn’t listen to it together, so I don’t have comments from the rest of the family, but here are my random thoughts as I listened through this section:

  • so many people flocked to Jesus (Matthew 13); what would our churches look like if we were actually imitating him the way he wants?
  • Jesus used lots of parables because of Israel’s national rejection of him; it says that he didn’t speak in anything but parables to the people
  • more references to Jesus fulfilling OT prophecies
  • believers are not immune to being “not good soil”; I think this is a misunderstood concept. There are many times my heart is not “good soil” to received God’s message. australie ivermectine How’s your heart?
  • Question: Since Jesus is speaking in parables, is the description of Sheol (weeping, gnashing of teeth, etc. ivermectin 3mg tablets for dogs ) literal at this point or just part of a parable?
  • people refuse to believe what they can’t understand; Jesus didn’t do a lot of miracles where they didn’t already have faith. This is a great example of how God obligates himself to show himself to those who are seeking him. ivermectina serve para carrapato de cachorro
  • Jesus used the Jonah sign again (Matthew 16; see chapter 12)
  • How dense did Jesus think the disciples were at times? How dense does he think I am?
  • it’s not nearly as important what other people believe – God wants a personal relationship with me; he cares what I believe and what he is going to do with me (see John 21)
  • God doesn’t take lightly those who mislead his people
  • Jesus uses the same hand, foot, eye illustration in chapter 18 that he did in chapter 5; he must really mean it
  • again he says that the Father will treat us the way we treat others

1 thought on “Listen, Day 3: Matthew 13-18”

  1. As to your dense remark. I have often wondered how he can love like a father loves his children when we can be so dense at times. I am sure that my thick headedness has gotten me mighty close to a “Holy Smackdown” 🙂 from my Heavenly Father above. Could you really blame him at times?

    On a more serious side I wonder how frustrating it had to be for Jesus to walk among us, and still love us when we could not see him for who he was. It is very evident that Matthew was written in a way to show the ways Jesus fulfilled the Scriptures.

    This has been Awesome so far. Can’t wait for more!

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