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Online Giving

If you missed Sunday’s message on giving, you’ll want to listen to it here. In order to help giving be the priority act of worship it should be, we are offering new ways to give.

Technology has given us a lot of good things over the years. I believe that online giving is one of those things. As of this week, online giving is now available for OTCC. Why give online? There are at least four reasons:

  • You are taking a step of faith – When you sign up to give online you are making a commitment in advance to give faithfully.
  • You will simplify your life – You won’t have to remember to send your tithe by mail when you’re on a trip or bring it when you get back.
  • You will be helping the church – Every person who gives through automatic giving makes our record keeping much easier.
  • You can focus on worship at church – Instead of having to get out a pen and write out an envelope and check, you can focus entirely on worship.

Getting Started with Automated Giving

Automated giving is one of the best ways to build faithfulness into your management of what God has given you. There are two ways to give automatically.

1. Use your bank’s website to set up OTCC as an auto ‘bill pay’. (Note: Some banks charge for this service. Check with your bank about their online bill pay services.)

2. Set-up a free online giving account through our secure giving website. Once you have an account, you can choose to give manually each time you are paid or automatically with recurring gifts. You can also use this for group and event registration or purchases. Just enter the name of the group or event in the “Designated Giving” box.

If you don’t like the idea of giving online, you will still have the option of using envelopes. Generic envelopes will be in the weekend bulletins like they have been. Or, for those who prefer to bring their envelope to church prepared, you can sign up to have envelopes mailed to you monthly. No more forgetting where you put your box!

If you have any questions about these new option, call or email the church office.

2 thoughts on “Online Giving”

  1. I love the technical side of things, like you do, Pastor. You know I have my bank set up to give on my pay days but I am looking forward to using the secure website instead of checks when I sign up for Women of Faith or give an additional offering. (Is there a gift for the first 100 users? :))

  2. Unfortunately, no! That would be cool, though.

    However, this Sunday (Sept 7) I’ll be announcing some cool giveaways for the beginning of our big fall series (Sept 14).

    Thanks for your faithful giving!


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