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I have tried to make it a habit to say “thanks” or “thank you” at the end of most conversations. The downside to a habit is that it’s a habit – that is, you can do it without thinking about it.

There are times when that is true of my “thanks”. I’ve said it so often that it comes out without effort. And that’s good and bad. Obviously, it’s good because Christians are to “give thanks in everything” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). But it’s bad when we stop thinking about who we are thanking and why.

So, let me put a few intentional, thought-through “thanks” out there today.

Thanks, Saralynn, for being my wife for nearly 13 years now. I love you more than I can put into words. I can’t wait to see what the next 57 years bring. 🙂

Thanks, Nathan, Micah, David, and Rachael, for genuinely loving your dad who fails frequently and (usually) trying to do what pleases me. I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world.

Thanks, Dad and Mom, for sacrificing a lot of things we could have had (even more than we did) in order to ensure for us a solid biblical foundation in a good church and school. The things people notice about me most are the direct result of what they never noticed – and even criticized – about you.

Thanks, Oak Tree Community Church, for allowing me to find, develop, and exercise my gifts and talents, even if it means you feel like guinea pigs sometimes as we try new things. Thanks for your love for God and other people. It’s a privilege to serve you.

Thanks, OTCC leaders, for everything you do that the rest of the church will never see. I see, and God sees. I know you will be rewarded for your faithfulness. It’s a privilege to serve alongside you.

OK, your turn. Who are you thankful for this year?

3 thoughts on “Thanks!”

  1. The Apostle Paul was uncompromising on the truth, but his sensitive side also shows up in his writings. In our busy, self-centred world, we need to remember those who have made a difference in our lives, and when they come to mind, pray for them, and find a way to say ‘thank you.’

    Establish and increase your faith carefully choosing the Biblical values against which all of life is judged. Yes, you are human, and you will struggle with situations which demand that you choose between what you want to do and what you ought to do. Walk with God and maintain your integrity, and you will be able to make the right choice every time. Visit and may God richly bless you!

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