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Titus 2

Titus chapter two picks up the theme of good works from chapter one. Rather than false doctrine, Titus was to “communicate the behavior that goes with sound teaching.” (vs. 1) Paul elaborated by giving specific behavioral instructions to various groups within the local churches. Older men and women are commanded to have godly lives worth imitating and be integrally involved in the training of those younger men and women, respectively, who are coming behind them. As Paul’s personal apostolic representative, it was Titus’ responsibility to both model and teach these behaviors. Additionally, believing slaves were to act faithfully in full subjection to their masters. When the church members lived out these commands, antagonists to true Christian doctrine and the Christian faith would not have any ammunition to discredit Christianity.

The last few verses of chapter two again emphasize the importance of godly living, this time in the context of Jesus’ return to rapture his Church. The story of God’s grace is more than just salvation from the eternal penalty of sin. It also serves to instruct us in the way of living properly. Most of what Christians call “struggles” are simply “godless way and worldly desires” (vs. 12) that the Christian has refused “to reject.” The outworking of God’s grace and the anticipation of Jesus’ imminent return are sufficient for God’s people to live God’s way (2 Corinthians 12:9). In fact, they should cause us to be “eager to do good” (vs. 15) for the Savior.