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Appalling Numbers

In my last post I talked about the need for leaders who know what is going on in the world so we can make intelligent decisions about our next steps. ivermectin effect on nematodes

Today I read a short article in a magazine I get. It’s actually not even a full article – just a news clip entitled “Appalling Numbers”. ivermectin apotheke kaufen Here is the clip:

Of the six and one-half billion people living on the earth, 1.2 billion live on an average of 23 cents a day and 2 billion have no electricity. Every 16 seconds someone dies of hunger. Last year 105 billion dollars was spent on alcohol and 11 billion on ice cream in Europe alone, and 17 billion was spent in the USA and Europe on pet food.

Atheists attack God on the basis that God should not allow pain and suffering in the world, and yet the tools to eliminate hunger and suffering are available to mankind. The selfishness that permeates those on the planet who have a surplus of resources prevents it from happening. Human politics and a “survival of the fittest” mentality is the cause of poverty and need on the planet – not God. We have been given the  resources to meet the needs that exist. horse ivermectin dose for 125 lb woman with beginning stages of scabies

(from “Does God Exist?”, Jan/Feb 2008; source of data: World Challenge Inc.)

So, what is your response to this – the numbers in the first part and the writer’s conclusion in the second? What, if anything, should be our response?