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The irrationality of sin

I have said many times over that sin is irrational, and people who live in sin do stupid things – not because they are stupid, but because sin blinds us to the truth and muddles our thinking.

One of the worst sins (if we could categorize them) is racism – hating a person or group of people solely based on their heritage. And the worst extreme of racism is anti-Semitism – hating people just because they are Jews. tippmix kal

Here is an article out of the Middle East that shows just how true this is, that the sin of anti-Semitism makes otherwise intelligent people do extremely stupid things. paypal befizetés fogadóiroda

(Background: Modern-day Iranians are the descendants of the Persians of world history. See the Bible books of Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther for details of this world empire. sportfogadás )

Iran is planning on submerging the tomb of King Cyrus (Coresh), the Persian King known for authorizing the Jewish exiles to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the Holy Temple.

According to a report by Omedia, an Iranian organization is demanding that the International Criminal Court take action against those responsible.

The Iranian ayatollahs are planning on destroying the tomb as part of a general campaign to sever the Persian people from their non-Islamic heritage; Cyrus was thought to be a Zoroastrian and was one of the first rules to enforce a policy of religious tolerance on his huge kingdom. Journalist Ran Porat quoted a young Iranian who said that the measures being taken by the Islamic Republic’s regime include the destruction of archaeological sites significant to this heritage. ivermectina para escabiose

“The government is in the final stages of constructing a dam in southern Iran that will submerge the archaeological sites of Pasargad and Persopolis – the ancient capital of the Persian Empire,” the report states. “The site, which is considered exceptional in terms of its archaeological wealth and historical importance, houses the tomb of the Persian King Cyrus. tab ivermectin dose for scabies

Cyrus, who lived from 576 to 530 BCE (B.C.), liberated Babylonian Jewry from its exile in the famous Declaration of Cyrus (mentioned in the book of Ezra in both Hebrew and Aramaic).

Though the city of Pasargad is a ruin, Cyrus’s Tomb has remained largely intact and it has been partially restored to counter its natural deterioration over the years.

So, they are willing to destroy centuries of archaeology and history that has lasted for thousands of years, just because one king 2,500 years ago freed some Jews to go home, and they don’t want to be associated with him. That is the irrationality of sin. ivermectin for face mites

You won’t read this negative reporting on Islam in the national or global media. Regardless of what anyone says about the good parts of Islam (and there are some), we must remember first what God told Abraham and his family, the Jews:

I will make you a great nation,
And I will bless you,
And make your name great;
And so you shall be a blessing;
And I will bless those who bless you,
And the one who curses you I will curse.

Genesis 12:2-3

(The article above was reported by Arutz-7 [Israel’s National News] and reprinted in “Israel My Glory”, March/April 2008, p. 40)

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